Discover the 9 Enneagram Types
What is the Enneagram?
It’s is a dynamic system that mirrors the complex, multidimensional nature of human life. There is an energetic flow among the nine Types, and they combine to create a dynamic whole. The inner landscapes of nine distinct personality Types, their world-views, and their interrelationships are revealed through the Enneagram. Each Type has associated habits and patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting, as well as underlying motivations and beliefs that are largely hidden from conscious awareness. These beliefs and motivations (fears and desires) activate our lifelong habits and patterns. AND we can learn to transform these patterns and take back the controls.
Enneagram vs MBTI (Myers-Briggs)
I often get asked the difference between the MBTI and the Enneagram, or whether MBTI Type preferences neatly fit into the Enneagram Types. The most simplistic way to understand how the systems complement each other is that the MBTI describes preferences for how we do things (get our energy, make decisions, gather information, and so on); and the Enneagram describes why and how we behave as we do (beliefs, fears, desires, focus of attention), and how we go about getting our perceived needs met.
Leadership Development
In my work as a coach for business leaders, the Enneagram is a highly effective tool. In a relatively short period of time, we’re able to identify patterns and habits that can derail a career. Likewise, the Enneagram highlights strengths. Leaders who are aware of their reactive patterns avoid pitfalls and learn adaptive, flexible behaviors to get the results they want.